Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Felt Mr. Potato Head

Look at this! I totally want to make it! Think of all the therapy sessions!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Felt Toys

Hey girlys.. If you sew here is a wonderful site that I found! This lady makes felt toys and lets you buy the patterns for $6 each. If you buy 5, you get a 6th one free. I was thinking a couple of us could buy some and go in on them together. Just think of the possibilities with these amazing toys!


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Here is my contribution!

Hey guys!

I know most of you know about this website, but for those who do not, this is one of my favorite sites to go to for therapy materials - particularly in group settings.


Sunday, August 2, 2009

congrats, girls!

look at us... we actually survived our first round of therapy! (we may need a strong drink after all we went through! haha) you guys are awesome and it's been great working with you! enjoy these next 3 weeks because once they're over, it's back to the grind!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Great Resource

Hey guys,
I came across this website the other day. It is for SLP, but it should help us with what we are doing in Sound Beginnings. They have a bunch of therapy ideas and games, including stuff to print out and make....all for FREE. Here is another resource website. It has links to plenty of therapy idea websites. Some are free, some aren't. Just scroll down, and you'll see it has a whole section just for working with kids.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

One thing that I thought of that you could do with the beach theme is pirate activities like a treasure hunt. You could do something simple like beach vocab items- towel, sunscreen, sea shell, shovel and pail, around the therapy hallways or have little pieces of "treasure" hidden around the room that have to do with their goals (it could even be turned in to an I spy game). There might be more of those treasure chests that we painted during the summer camp somewhere that you could use to put your "treasure" in. Not a very new idea but some of the kids might enjoy it.

Craft Idea

I think I am going to be brave this week and try doing a craft in one of my sessions. I found this cool "family fun" website. I looked through it quickly, but it seemed like it had some pretty good stuff for beach week. I really liked this craft. It is a cute little boat that is supposed to float! It seems pretty simple to make too (good news for me!).